I am able to travel whenever I want ✅

I can get my hair done at 10am on a Tuesday ✅

I can sleep in and go to the beach with my dogs on a Thursday  afternoon, knowing that my businesses are still generating revenue and nothing is burning to the ground ✅

I have created businesses that


Whether you are an online business owner, a physical business owner OR BOTH 🙋🏻‍♀️, it takes WORK.

Once upon a time I bought into the idea of passive income and business that ran itself.


3 years, 2 businesses and 4 staff members later, I've learnt that "passive income" isn't really that passive. 

Owning a business can be HARD!


sign me up!

🤩 Want to be in the energy of other passionate, motivated and supportive business owners.

🤩 Want to enjoy RICH life experiences like a European summer holiday, a family snow trip, buy that designer handbag or even buy your first or second home.

🤩 Want to create multiple streams of income from their business revenue in a way that feels aligned.

🤩 Want a successful business that supports their lifestyle, so that you can ultimately feel financially secure.

but also for those who:

Want to create a MAGNETIC brand where clients and even industry experts KNOW who you are.

Want to increase their brand VISIBILITY and supercharge their bookings.

Want to improve their confidence and gain clarity in running and growing their business.

Want to work on their limiting beliefs around how much money they can make.

The Magnetic Mastermind is for the business owners who:

STARTING 18th October


I have worked with some incredible clients, mentors and coaches over the last few years and some of my brightest ideas
have come from within a group setting!

( The idea for SkinQueen Society came from a mastermind! )

So why do it alone?

Not knowing how to break through to that next level,
not knowing what you need to do first,
or even not knowing where to start!

Business can be lonely sometimes

This is unlike any other mastermind. Upon joining, I will ask for your postal address to mail out your physical 6 month roadmap.

This roadmap will have 12 interactive mini lessons that are easy to consume, and have CLEAR ACTION STEPS for you to take afterwards.

A private group chat for everyone to stay connected and supported.

3 x group calls per month to connect in real (virtual) life!

VIP invitation to our International Women's Day Event at the end of the mastermind in March '24, hosted on the Gold Coast!

The deets

Okay, gimme the deets!

Over the next 6 months together, we will completely transform
your mindset and bring you closer to creating the business and life of your dreams

AND for those wanting MORE guidance and support

25 weekly payments of
$150 AUD
Total investment $3750

25 x $150

6 monthly payments of
$599 AUD
Total investment $3594 

6 x $599

One upfront payment of
$3499 AUD
One and done!

Pay in full

prices listed here are in AUD (australian Dollars)

There are now 3 easy ways to join
to best suit your financial commitments!

⚡Pay in full⚡
Monthly payments
Weekly payments

Invoices are automatically sent upon payment and all options are tax deductible! 



So how much to join?

25 weekly payments of
$190 AUD
Total investment $4750

25 x $190

6 monthly payments of
$775 AUD
Total investment $4650 

6 x $775

One upfront payment of
$4499 AUD
One and done!

Pay in full


6 x 60 minute calls for extra accountability
and personalised strategy sessions. Valued at $3000,
upgrade to VIP for as little as
an extra $40 per week! 



What my previous clients have said.. 

I'm IN!

To learn a new skill or improve upon an existing one.

To be expanded by other amazing women who raise you up!

And its for both of these reasons that I have created
The Magnetic Mastermind

Let's build that business that

I truly believe you should invest for 2 reasons:

you would have invested in A LOT of online courses in your time!
Half of them left unfinished,
collecting dust in cyberspace.

Which is why I'm doing things a little differently this time..
I'm here to shake $h!t up!

If you are like me,

sign me up!

Send me an email: admin@skin-queen.com  or DM me on Instagram @skinqueeen  and let's chat!

5. Not sure if this is right for you?

Yes, all of the modules will be recorded. Instead of viewing them through the online portal, they will be available from the printed roadmap that you will get in the mail. 

4. Will the modules be recorded?

Absolutely! It’s important to build an audience before you launch so this is perfect to learn how to do this.

Before you go and spend money on a social media manager or Facebook ads that don’t always see a return on investment, learn how to create content PROPERLY so that you can grow your business organically through the power of social media!!

3. Can I do this if I haven’t started my business yet?

YES! This mastermind is suitable for both online business owners AND physical business owners.

2. I’m an online business owner, is this relevant for me? 

We kick off on Wednesday 18th of October! There will be 3 group calls per month, held at 10:00am on the first 3 Monday's of the month, for 6 months!
For my VIP Queens, you will be able to book your 6 x 60min 1:1 calls via my direct calendar link.

The group calls will also be recorded and sent out via email for you to rewatch or catch up at a time that is convenient for you.

1. What time will the calls be?